Who am i?

Greetings, I am Anca Nogai, and I have established this platform with the intention of sharing my profound enthusiasm for gaming and psychology.

From my earliest memories of playing Super Mario and Mario Tetris on a PTC Mart keyboard TV console alongside my father, I have nurtured a deep-rooted passion for gaming. While technology has evolved significantly, my affection for gaming has remained steadfast. Over the years, I have ventured further into the domain of competitive online gaming, unwavering in my commitment regardless of life's diversions.

For the past 15 years, I have been an active member of the corporate workforce. However, in recent times, I have undertaken a profound career transformation, dedicating myself to the study of psychology in pursuit of my long-standing aspiration to become a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Psychotherapist. Though my journey is only halfway completed, I have chosen to disseminate valuable insights within the gaming community—knowledge that can assist individuals on their quest for self-discovery and a deeper comprehension of mental well-being in the digital era.

My professional background spans a wide spectrum, encompassing corporate business practices, effective communication skills and a proficiency in gaming, digital literacy, as well as a proficiency in graphic design. I identify as an affable and inquisitive individual, constantly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and share these newfound understandings with others.

The overarching objective for this platform is to evolve it into a vibrant global community of gamers. Here, we will delve into the intricate workings of the human psyche and explore strategies to enhance our personal growth. I envision the creation of resources such as journals, gratitude cards, infographics, and various tools that can be applied in the real-world battle against our inner demons. Additionally, I aim to offer therapy sessions and engaging conversations to extend a helping hand to those seeking balance.